Speed Converter

Speed Converter

Convert between different units of speed.




Meters per secondm/sMeters per second (m/s) is the SI unit of speed.
Meters per minutem/minMeters per minute (m/min) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Meters per hourm/hMeters per hour (m/h) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Kilometers per secondkm/sKilometers per second (km/s) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Kilometers per minutekm/minKilometers per minute (km/min) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Kilometers per hourkm/hKilometers per hour (km/h) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Centimeters per secondcm/sCentimeters per second (cm/s) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Centimeters per minutecm/minCentimeters per minute (cm/min) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Centimeters per hourcm/hCentimeters per hour (cm/h) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Millimeters per secondmm/sMillimeters per second (mm/s) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Millimeters per minutemm/minMillimeters per minute (mm/min) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Millimeters per hourmm/hMillimeters per hour (mm/h) is a unit of speed in the metric system.
Inches per secondin/sInches per second (in/s) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Inches per minutein/minInches per minute (in/min) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Inches per hourin/hInches per hour (in/h) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Feet per secondft/sFeet per second (ft/s) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Feet per minuteft/minFeet per minute (ft/min) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Feet per hourft/hFeet per hour (ft/h) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Yards per secondyd/sYards per second (yd/s) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Yards per minuteyd/minYards per minute (yd/min) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Yards per houryd/hYards per hour (yd/h) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Miles per secondmi/sMiles per second (mi/s) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Miles per minutemi/minMiles per minute (mi/min) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
Miles per hourmi/hMiles per hour (mi/h) is a unit of speed in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement.
KnotsknKnots (kn) is a unit of speed used in navigation and aviation.
MachMMach (M) is a unit of speed representing the ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the medium through which the object is moving.
Speed of lightcSpeed of light (c) is the speed at which light travels in a vacuum.
Speed of soundvSpeed of sound (v) is the speed at which sound travels in a medium.
Speed of a bulletvSpeed of a bullet (v) is the speed at which a bullet travels when fired from a gun.
Human Hair Growth RatehHuman Hair Growth Rate (h) is the rate at which human hair grows.
Speed of a CheetahcSpeed of a Cheetah (c) is the speed at which a cheetah can run.
Speed of a SnailsSpeed of a Snail (s) is the speed at which a snail moves.
Speed of a SlothsSpeed of a Sloth (s) is the speed at which a sloth moves.